Graduated Alumni Info
2021 MGAMB Alumni Band  | As marching bands were canceled in the 2020 parade, we will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Macy’s Great American
Marching Band and we are excited to invite graduated alumni to come join
in the 2021 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We have a great alumni
week planned including hotel accommodations in New Jersey, tickets to an attraction, lunch, a Thanksgiving evening Dinner Dance and much more. Once we know what will be available to us in 2021, we will post a new itinerary. |
For the parade, the graduated alumni members combine with this year’s Macy’s Great American Marching Band as they march along the parade route. However, for the Herald Square performance, we will need to wait and see how many graduated alumni members return before we can determine the details for the Herald Square Performance. The two options for the Herald Square Performance are
1. The graduated alumni will perform with the 2021 MGAMB members in Herald Square
2. The graduated alumni will form a separate unit that follows the 2021 MGAMB members after their performance. Please keep in mind we cannot guarantee how much, if any TV coverage the graduated alumni will have with this option. At this time, we are planning on combining both bands to make one large MGAMB.
If you were signed up and planning on participating in 2020 and informed us that you were rolling over any payments made, you are automatically accepted into the 2021 Graduated Alumni MGAMB. If you are registering/auditioning (for part placement for winds and instrument assignment for percussion) for the first time, please use the link below to register for the 2021 MGAMB Graduated Alumni Band.
PLEASE NOTE: We will ask for a video, not to be accepted for the Alumni Band, but for part placement and for percussion instrument assignment. We need to see if you can still play and march! :) We will ask that you include the marching component as well.
Click here for the requirements needed on your video. Videos will be uploaded to You Tube and you will need to provide the link on your application form. Additionally, there is a $30 processing fee and this must be paid with a debit or credit card for your application to be completed and sent to us.
Please Note: At this time the deadline to cancel
and receiving a refund has now passed. Anyone canceling as of October
26, 2021 there will be no refund given. We have already paid for
admission tickets, hotels, meals, etc....
A package plan just for the graduated alumni has been developed just for you. Click on the links below for the information.
There may be some friends and family that will want to come but stay in the city and do their own itinerary. The links below will give you access for hotel information where we have a block of rooms reserved. Additionally, if you want to attend the Thanksgiving Dinner/Dance the link below will give you access to the form that you will need to fill out and send in with your payment to reserve your spot. Again, this for those friends and family that do not purchase the same plan as the MGAMB Graduated Alumni member.
For friends & family hotel information, please click here.
If Friends & Family would like to attend the Thanksgiving Dinner/Dance with the participant, please fill out this form and return it to us with payment. You can access the form by clicking here.
We are still working on a limited basis and are not in our office and can only respond to emails. With any questions, please email
For all Winds and Percussion Players -
White Marching Band Shoes must be provided by the participant - You are
free to bring your own white marching shoes if you have a pair. If not, you will need to purchase them. Here is a sight where you
can order from or see what type we are looking for if you wish to
research and see if you can find them cheaper.
NEW REQUIREMENT FOR ALL WIND PLAYERS - You will need to also provide white gloves. Woodwind players that play with finger tips cut, you may have that with the gloves you bring.
- You will need to provide your own "nude color" shoes. Again, you are
free to use your own if you have them. If not, here is a link to order
them or at least see the type we are requiring if you wish to research
and see if you can find them cheaper.
We hope you will be able to join us for this exciting event! We look forward to having you back with us for this 15 year celebration! What started as a one year trial, here we are 15 years later. Thank you for maintaining the high quality standard when you participated while in high school and for setting the bar for the bands that followed your year(s). We look forward to welcoming you back!