Detailed Information
Please use the online registration to apply. A non-refundable application processing fee of $30.00 is required by each participant. During the online registration process, you will need to enter a credit/debit card payment for the $30.00 registration fee (+4% Processing fee) for your application to be complete and sent to us. Without this payment, your registration form will not be completed and will not go through to us. PLEASE NOTE: Your Pay-Pal receipt will be from our parent company Universal Tours and Excursions.
Once the application process is completed and fee paid, your audition will be reviewed after each initial deadlines. All applicants will be notified of acceptance or denial by email. Please be patient to receive your notification as we are processing and listening to hundred's of auditions in addition to handling all of our festivals and performance tours. Percussion, Guard and Dancers may take a longer to be notified of acceptance.
The 2025 per participant cost is $2,000.00 (Musician based on Quad Occupancy); $2,200.00 (Musician based on Triple Occupancy); $2,400.00 (Musician based on Double Occupancy) or $2,100.00 (Flag/Dancer/Banner Carriers based on Quad Occupancy); $2300.00 (Flag/Dancer/Banner Carriers based on Triple Occupancy); $2500.00 (Flag/Dancer/Banner Carriers based on Double Occupancy), does not include transportation costs. (Flags and Dancer Package Pricing is higher because included in your package is an official Macy's Great American Marching Band Warm-up Suit) (This will be updated when 2025 pricing is available.)
Payments will be made in installments and due dates will be indicated in our Group Register System. You will make payments through this secured software using a checking account or credit card. (for credit cards a 4% non-refundable processing fee applies) A link will be provided to the Macy's Great American Marching Band page so you may set-up your account. Instructions will be in your acceptance email. Each participant that is selected must set-up an account. You may also pay by sending a check to Music Festivals & Tours (P.O. Box 4579, Reading, PA 19606) and the payment will be applied to your account. There will also be required questions that you will need to answer along with forms that will need to be completed. Once again, this will be explained in the acceptance email.
Travel to/from NYC/NJ is the responsibility of the student. Motor coach transportation while in NYC/NJ is provided. In addition, members will be met at LaGuardia, or Newark airports by an official band staff member for included transfers to/from the host hotel. (PLEASE NOTE: We do not offer transfers from JFK Airport and only Penn Station on departure day).
The Package Plan includes:
- Band membership with performance in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
- Indoor Rehearsal Facility
- Six-nights (6) first-class hotel accommodations. (Quad Occupancy - Two per bed)
As in past years, we again have plans to accommodate 4 students in a hotel room. You do have the option to select a triple or double room if desired. If this is of interest, please sign up for the package plan you wish in the Group Register System.
- Meals: Five (5) Breakfasts, Four (4) Lunches, and Four (4) Dinners
- Chartered motorcoach transportation for all Band rehearsals, sightseeing/meals and Parade
- Schedule transfers from LaGuardia or Newark Airports only on arrival day and LaGuardia, Newark, and Penn Station on departure days
- NYC Sightseeing: Experience: Details will be in the final itinerary.
- Thanksgiving Dinner-Dance Reception with a DJ
- Student Leadership Session
- Instruction with professional staff
- Use of the official Macy's Great American Marching Band Uniform during the parade (PLEASE NOTE REQUIREMENT for all winds and percussion players!- White Marching Band Shoes (including white soles) must be provided by the participant - You are free to bring your own white marching shoes if your school band uses them. If not, you will need to purchase them. Here is a sight where you can order from or see what type we are looking for if you wish to research and see if you can find them cheaper.
- GUARD, DANCERS and BANNER CARRIERS - You will need to provide your own "nude color" shoes. Again, you are free to use your own if you have them. If not, here is a link to order them or at least see the type we are requiring if you wish to research and see if you can find them cheaper.
- REQUIREMENT FOR ALL WIND PLAYERS/CYMBAL PLAYERS - You will need to provide white gloves. Woodwind players that play with finger tips cut, you may have that with the gloves you bring. Cymbal Players will need to provide black-fingerless weight lifting gloves.
- Macy's Great American Marching Band Souvenir T-Shirt
- Macy's Great American Marching Band Souvenir Water Bottle
- Macy's Great American Marching Band Souvenir Windbreaker
- Macy's Great American Marching Band Souvenir Name Badge Pouch
- Official Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Participant Pin
- Official MGAMB Warm-up Suit for Flags, Dancers and Banner Carriers
2025 Schedule Requirements
All selected participants are required to be at the hotel by 7:00 p.m. On Saturday, November 22, 2025. The first mandatory group activity will take place Saturday evening at 9:00 PM and continue through Thursday evening. Friday, November 28th is the return home travel day (meals not provided on travel days).
Rooming Information
All selected participants will be housed in quad rooms (four students - 2 per bed) with two double beds. Upgrades to triples or doubles are available at an additional charge; however, single occupancy is not permitted for safety reasons. Roommate assignments will be made by the staff of MUSIC FESTIVALS AND TOURS. Roommate request will be taken in to consideration but again assignments will be made by the staff of MUSIC FESTIVALS & TOURS.
in past years, we again have plans to accommodate 4 students in a hotel
room. You do have the option to select a triple or double room if desired. If
this is of interest, please notate accordingly by selecting the triple or double room package when you set-up your account.
Code of Conduct / Student Safety
MUSIC FESTIVALS & TOURS will provide a professional chaperones and supervisory staff at the hotel and during the official schedule of events to ensure students' well being. Chaperones are not parents but professional staff that are affiliated with schools. Chaperones will conduct bed checks, nightly meetings, and wake-up checks and oversee all student activities. Chaperone members will include medical professionals who will stay at the hotel and accompany students to all scheduled events and sightseeing. In addition, the host hotel is located outside of NYC and offers interior corridors for safety. All selected students will be required by MUSIC FESTIVALS & TOURS to sign and abide by a code of conduct agreement. Students' parents/guardians will also be required to sign the code of conduct agreement.
Family and Friends
Since the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is an American institution, your family and friends are welcome to watch you march down the parade route. Family and friend opportunities will be posted when available with information under the document sections of this site. This is a password protected section and the password will be given to you if you are accepted. Families and Friends may also attend rehearsal on Wednesday morning only.
Don't Hesitate to Apply
Being selected to participate in the band is a prestigious opportunity that many in your neighborhood will be glad to support. You and your parents don't have to fund the trip all by yourself. Contact local businesses, music booster organizations, service clubs (Rotary, Lions, etc.) newspapers, and maybe set up a Go Fund Me Page, etc., to help sponsor your trip.
When You Are Accepted
You will receive an email notifying you of your acceptance or denial. You will also receive the password for the Document Section and the link to sign up for your account on our Group Register Software. YOU ARE NOT OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED UNTIL WE RECEIVE YOUR DEPOSIT, ANSWER THE REQUIRED QUESTIONS on GROUP REGISTER AND SUBMIT ANY INITIAL FORMS. This information is necessary for our staff to prepare for your week in New York and your participation in the band. You may then pay your deposit using the Group Register Account you will set-up or by mailing a check to our office. (You still need to set-up an account as this will be our record keeping for payments made and information gathering.
Part Assignments (wind players) will be posted on this website in early November and the link to access and download your music will be activated. Instrument assignments for percussionist will be posted around the same time.
All Registration Applications and forms will be submitted online.
If you choose to not make payments online, please use the following addresses and once received, we will credit your account:
By Mail:
Macy's Great American Marching Band,
P.O. Box 4579,
Reading, PA 19606
Macy's Great American Marching Band, 49 Scotland Drive, Reading, PA 19606
Coordinated by:

P.O. Box 4579
Reading, PA 19606
Phone: (610) 898-1844 / Toll Free: (800) 545-0935
Fax: (610) 898-1850