Video Requirements - Alumni
Here are the video requirements for the video you will upload to You Tube and provide a link on your application form.
Woodwind & Brass Instruments:
Woodwind and brass instrument players should submit a prepared solo or etude (minimum of 4 minutes, maximum of 7 minutes). Mellophone Players must audition on the Mellophone and not French Horn. You
will be judged on technical proficiency, tone quality, and overall
general musicianship. It is recommended that a Grade III-V level etude
or solo be used as audition material. You may or may not use an
accompanist. That is your choice. Please select a solo that shows your
technical skills as well as your range on the instrument.
In addition to the etude, marching fundamentals are also required. Please demonstrate the following marching skills: Horns
Up, Horns Down, and Marking Time. You will use a box drill (8 steps per
maneuver at 8 to 5 step size) to demonstrate Slides to the Left and to
the Right as well as Forward and Backwards marching. Please play a scale
while marching the box drill. The drill should be in the 130-135 tempo
range and please play one note per step. We will look for nice horn
angles, body carriage, roll step with toes up, on toes in backwards
march, tone quality while marching, etc.
Please video record the primary instrument you are auditioning for,
making sure that your hands/sticks and feet are in clear, visible sight
of the camera. All New Applicants AND Returning Applicants will need
to submit a video audition.
If you are interested in a secondary instrument if not selected on
your primary, please indicate you second choice on your application.
Should you not receive your first or second choice assignment and DO
NOT want to be placed on any other instrument as a third choice, You
MUST mark on your application: Not interested in in any other
The drumline will consist of snares, quads (quints), basses, and
cymbals. While members are accepted throughout the year to the drumline,
instrument assignments are not made until the fall when the entire line
has been selected and videos are reviewed again. Please note
that due to the quality of all selected candidates some students may be
assigned an instrument that is not their first or second choice. For instance, you may mark snare or quad but be assigned bass or cymbals even though it was not your first or second choice. By submitting an audition you agree that you understand our placement policy.
- The following rudiments, slow-fast-slow: single stroke roll, double stroke roll, single paradiddles, flam drags.
- A rudimental snare solo of your choice (maximum 2 minutes). At least a portion of the solo must be performed marking time.
Quads (Quints)
- The following rudiments on the #2 drum, slow-fast-slow: single
stroke roll, double stroke roll, single paradiddles, flam drags
- A solo of your choice, demonstrating your ability to play around
the drums (maximum 2 minutes). At least a portion of the solo must be
performed marking time.
Bass (performed on a bass drum)
- The following rudiments, slow-fast-slow: single stroke roll, double stroke roll
- A solo of your choice, demonstrating your ability to play with good
tempo and rhythm. At least a portion of the solo must be performed
marking time.
- Basic crash technique, and any other sounds/techniques that you are familiar with.
- Any type of exercise that shows your ability to play while marking time.
Auxiliary: Flags & Dancers
Video Audition must be posted to You Tube.
FLAG video should demonstrate 1) basic spins and
slow slams (change of direction and use of both hands) as well as 2)
flag work routine of your choice 3) foot movement (including glide step marching movement).
Equipment portion minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 minutes.
DANCERS video should include 3-5 minutes of solo
dance routine to music showing jazz, lyrical, hip hop, and modern
dance styles plus glide step marching paying attention to posture and
tempo of foot movement.