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General Information General Information Music Festivals & Tours

One-Day Festivals

8:00 AM - Adjudications begin for all Choirs, Bands, Orchestras, and Jazz Ensembles.

The Parade Review will take place following the Concert Adjudications.

All groups will spend the remainder of the day in the theme park with unlimited rides.

The Grand Awards Ceremony will take place in the park with times to be announced. *

Two-Day Festivals

Day One - Schedule will vary by location.

Late Afternoon (after 4:00 PM) - Adjudications begin for all Choirs, Bands, Orchestras, and Jazz Ensembles. Groups participating in the Parade Review will be scheduled on this day as well.  Schools can use other available time to check-in to their hotel, eat dinner, or sight-see.

Day Two - All groups will spend the day in the theme park with unlimited rides.

The Grand Awards Ceremony will take place in the park with times to be announced.*


The MUSICAL SELECTIONS to be performed will be determined by the organization's director. There is NO required music or sight reading.

Each school must supply their own SET-UP CREW to rearrange choral risers, music stands, or chairs prior to their group's performance.

Each Organization will have twenty-five (25) or twenty (20) minutes to:

  • Set-up
  • Perform an optional warm-up selection (a concert march or chorale for instrumental groups)
  • Perform two (2) selections of director's choice for adjudication
  • Clear the stage

At larger festivals, ensembles may be allotted a 20-minute time slot.

Show/Swing/Jazz Choirs may perform any number of selections within this 20/25-minute time limit.

Directors entering two or more performing ensembles in the same classification can register the "advanced group" in an applicable category and the "second group" can be registered in a lower class division. If a school is in the "A" division or a single classification (ie: String Orchestra) and has two performing ensembles in the same category, we have an "open" class that the "second" group can be registered in. Please let us know when you register how you wish to register your groups so they do not compete against each other.

An Organization's Stage Time begins when the first member of the stage crew enters the stage. Organizations that exceed the twenty-five (25) or twenty (20) minute time allotment on stage will be declared ineligible for rating or competition and will receive comments only.

The Director must furnish two (2) sets of original scores with measures numbered for each of the two adjudicated selections for each of their performing groups and three (3) Music Performance Selection Sheets. Digital recordings of the judges comments will be sent to directors as soon as possible following the festival once the recorders have been returned to us by the Regional Coordinators. These files may be played on any computer. For MAC, the files will play on Quick Time Player and for PC, the files will play on Windows Media. Scores and Music Performance Selection Sheets will be collected at the registration table along with the Music Selection Forms. Scores are not required for Show Choirs, Jazz/Swing Choirs, Gospel Choirs, or Bands participating in the Parade Review. 

Photocopied scores are not permitted unless written permission from the publisher is received and presented.  If it is an online purchase, then please submit the information that shows that you had permission to make copies.

Music EQUIPMENT provided by Music SHOWCASE Festivals in the performance area includes: chairs, music stands, choral risers, piano, podium, four timpani and a concert bass drum. Please note that we do not supply platform risers or amplifiers for show choirs and/or jazz ensembles. The number of choir risers along with any additional percussion equipment that is available at each location, will be listed in the Director's Guide.

PARADE REVIEW - The Parade Review is staged where bands can be adjudicated in a marching area that is approximately 100 yards in length.  This will take place at the performance facility.

There is no registration fee to register your ensemble(s) in a Music SHOWCASE Festivals event. Schools are allowed to register up to five (5) total performing ensembles. Any performing groups registered over the five (5) ensemble limit, will be charged a $50 registration fee per ensemble.


For our two-day festival locations, groups that are registered to perform on Friday afternoon/evening may pay an additional $5 per student and add an on-stage mini-clinic to your ensemble's experience. This is meant to be a positive experience and will give the chance for one of the adjudicators to address the group while the performance is fresh in your student's minds. Due to time constraints, we are not able to offer this for our Saturday festival sessions. Locations that offer the two-day festival option are the only locations where this option may be added.

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