General Information General Information Music Festivals & Tours

Package Plans & Restrictions

All advertised package attractions, facilities, and schedules are subject to change. For the basic overnight plans available to groups participating in MUSIC FESTIVALS, prices are based on QUAD occupancy for students and DOUBLE occupancy for adults. Single and triple rates will be quoted upon request. *Director's Package (1 Band, 1 Choral, and 1 Orchestra with band, choir, and orchestra participation) is free (SINGLE occupancy), based on minimum group of 25. There is *one complimentary chaperone package (DOUBLE occupancy) for every 25 paid students (based on minimum of 50 students). "Festival Only Package," is available to groups that wish to participate in the festival while making their own hotel, transportation, sightseeing, and/or meal arrangements. All additional custom attractions, reservations, public performances, back-stage tours, and shows are subject to availability at time of booking.  Beachfront hotels cannot be guaranteed for the One or Two-Night Packages in Virginia Beach.


A very valuable and important feature of the MUSIC FESTIVALS adjudication program is our mini-clinic, which is provided to each Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, and Concert Band by one of the adjudicators immediately upon conclusion of the group's performance. The purpose of this clinic is to provide the adjudicator with an opportunity to discuss and rehearse the group on any areas of weakness that were observed and to reinforce the strengths of the group. This is a positive learning experience.


All categories of performance are open to Junior High/Middle Schools and Senior High Schools. Junior High and Middle School groups will compete only against each other.

For adjudication and festival purposes:

A wind ensemble is defined as a select ensemble consisting of appropriate instrumentation. The concert band category will encompass all other performing groups of multiple instrumentation (i.e., symphonic band, etc.). Please call if further definition is needed.

We combine our Festivals with a Partner Company. For the locations that they run, their Classifications  will be used and included in your Director's Guide. For the locations that we run, our Classifications will be used and will be included in your Director's Guide.


Complete adjudication guidelines, rules and regulations, will be outlined in your Director's Guide sent to you upon receipt of your registration.

We combine our Festivals with a Partner Company. For the locations that they run, their Rules and Regulations will be included in your Director's Guide. For the locations that we run, our Rules and Regulations will be included in your Director's Guide. 

Travel Agents/Tour Operators

Travel Agents/Tour Operators are invited to purchase any of our packages for their education clients. We will be happy to supply Travel Agent Guideline and Commission Sheets outlining our programs. Please keep in mind that all travel agents must be listed on the Registration Form unless only handling transportation arrangements for a school. All financial correspondence will be sent directly to the travel agent. The staff of MUSIC FESTIVALS strongly encourages all travel planners to contact us early in the itinerary-planning process to discuss scheduling and logistical matters specific to each festival. All itinerary planners are asked to wait until you receive the adjudication schedule and know your performance times before you arrange sightseeing activities on the day of competition.

Registration Procedure

Registration for your school in a MUSIC FESTIVALS Program may be made by registering online. Upon receipt and processing of your application, a Director's Guide will be emailed to you. This guide contains further information regarding festival participation including complete rules and regulations, adjudication sheets, and pertinent general information. No reservations can be made for your school until an online registration and deposit (if applicable) are received by MUSIC FESTIVALS. Please Note: Schools entering multiple performing groups will be asked to follow scheduling/time allotments (outlined in the Director's Guide) out of courtesy to all registered schools. Although there is not a registration fee, a school may register up to five (5) performing groups. Additional groups will be charged $100 per performing group.  Please make checks payable to MUSIC FESTIVALS & TOURS.

Late Registration

Any schools registering within six weeks of a festival date must select the "Festival Only," Package.


MUSIC FESTIVALS uses a panel of two or three adjudicators. These adjudicators will be educators from various levels of the teaching profession. (College/High School/Junior High/Middle School)

Festival Cancellations

MUSIC FESTIVALS reserves the right to cancel any festival that does not have enough participation to support the festival.  Schools will be notified as soon as possible.

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